Restoration and repair works of historical buildings and monumental structures are works that require extreme sensitivity. Because a historical building should be restored without damaging its historical texture. This situation also makes this process sensitive. A historical building should be approached with the awareness of how valuable it is, and restoration and repair work should be done with this awareness. For this reason, these operations should be carried out by people who are trained in restoration and repair and have special interest and knowledge in this subject.

Basic Principles of Restoration and Repair Applications in Historical Buildings and Monuments

The principles of researching the characteristics of the work together with an art historian and archaeologist before the restoration and repair of historical buildings and monuments, using traditional and contemporary methods together in the restoration process, adding missing parts in a way that does not disturb the originality of the building, and recording all restoration practices for the restored work should be adopted.

Restoration and repair applications of historical buildings and monuments should be carried out in line with these principles.

How are Restoration and Repair Applications in Historical Buildings, Historical Monuments?

Restoration and repair applications in a historical building can be carried out on the structural systems of the building. The load-bearing elements of historical buildings are sections such as columns, walls, arches, domes, vaults, vaults, tensioners, weight towers. Thanks to the restoration and repair processes applied on these elements, the strength of the structures increases, the structures are renewed and their lifespan is extended.

 Before starting restoration and repair applications, it is necessary to determine the damages that have occurred or may occur in these structures. Material tests should be performed. Ground investigation should be done. The restoration and repair methods to be applied are to increase the strength of the structure by using repair and strengthening materials. These materials are stainless steel, epoxy resin, fibrous polymer rods and strips in addition to the original material of the structure. However, the application of these materials should not create any incompatibility with the main material of the structure. Another method that can be counted among the restoration and repair applications of historical monuments and monumental structures is regional repair. This application is only used to eliminate deformations that have occurred regionally. Regional repair work has a positive effect on the strength of the structure. In addition, there are also applications such as removing the loads on the structure, ensuring a balanced distribution of mass and rigidity within the structure.